Saturday, October 3, 2009

Mr. President - Stop Making Promises That Can't Be Kept

There is too much confusion in Washington. Congress is out of control and they can't decide what is right for the people. That I what we sent you to Washington for as legislators, you senators and representatives, Obama too.

 It is high time that Congress listened to what the "Parents" and the "Grandparents" think. Next election is very near; the people who came to Town Hall Meetings, and Tea Parties are not "kooks" or "radicals" or "fanatics," we are simple people who do not want you to destroy our:
  • ECONOMY - by printing trillions of dollars that we do not have, nor will we ever have in this decade; this printing will render all the grandparents saving almost worthless.
  • WAY-OF-LIFE - we don't want, nor like, the Marxist leaning Czars and people who are bringing their "progressive" ideas to bear on the whole nation;  Cap & Trade, Bailouts,and their effects on our nation are just two of the worst debacles of this century. These radicals are not what America voted for as a part of change.
  • MONEY - the US has been the leader of the free world for more than a century, and our currency has been trusted by every nation in the world; now our fiscal behavior is being questioned by, China, Europe, and many others and we are in danger of a complete monetary meltdown because our debtors have their doubts that we ever be able to repay our bonds.
The mood in the country is so bad now, that we don't believe anything we hear. Washington better start listening, because the time for political polarization is over. Now is the time for leaving the politics at the door and making sure that:
  • The printing presses for new money stop
  • No new spending until we cut our debt in half
  • Read a bill, before you sign it
  • Publish every bill so the public can read it before they are voted on
  • Stop and desist making promises you can't keep
  • Tell us exactly what something costs, nothing hidden
  • Stop the obfuscation - lies are lies and it is high time to cease telling untruths to the people
GLEN BECK'S COMMENTS: "It's becoming clearer everyday that there is no way we can sustain this spending. It doesn't take a genius to look at all of the things our government wants to do (government health care, cap-and-trade, bailouts, universal college) and realize we can't afford it. Which means there must not be many geniuses in the fringe media, because they still think these are just anti-Obama rallies."
"They are not."
"Moms and dads and grandparents and kids all across America have, up until now, been on the sidelines, content to live their lives and just try to make it through the day."

If you are one of the millions of concerned seniors or mothers who want to send Washington your message, then please help me organize a referendum to empower the people who the government is not listening to in these debates. Sitting around stewing about it is not enough!

Comment here on this blog and ask questions, and then tell me how you feel. As a group we can make something happen. This is not a political issue, this is a matter of preserving our nation as we have known it since World War II.

Charlie Courtois
Permanent web site under construction  GrandParentsUnite

1 comment:

  1. A recent poll shows that people who are most trusted in the US are:
    Fourth: CLERGY
    Third: Pharmacists
    Second: Firemen
    FIRST: Mom's (and parent and grandparents)

    Sound off and tell me how you feel. No name calling please!
